The doctors of the National Hospital told the population about the metapneumovirus that worries the population and gave recommendations.
Metapneumovirus (HMPV) – causes respiratory disease. This is most often observed in children, people with low immunity and the elderly. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by this virus belong to the ARVI group. In more severe cases, damage to the lower respiratory tract can be accompanied by bronchitis, pneumonia. Experts from the DDS organization noted that this is not a new type of virus, it is already known, exists all over the world and spreads during seasonal periods. An outbreak of morbidity, like most SARS, occurs in winter and early spring. Health experts in the country, citing data from the WHO organization, said there was no reason to worry. According to the Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the fall of 2024, more than 8 thousand samples of influenza viruses were examined in the republic. In only 1.6% of cases, metapneumovirus showed a positive result.
How is metapneumovirus infection transmitted?
It is transmitted from the patient like ARVI. The main route of distribution is through air droplets, as well as through household communications.
Foci of the epidemic are registered with close contact with patients in the family, kindergartens and schools, offices. The first signs of the disease appear 3-5 days after infection. It manifests itself with the following symptoms. Discomfort, weakening, fatigue, headache and muscle pain, fever, fever, nasal congestion and runny nose, food illness, chills, red eyes, conjunctivitis, dry or wet cough. Sometimes there is vomiting, diarrhea.
Treatment of metapneumovirus infection.
If you have signs of illness or high fever without leaving home, call a doctor. Young children are most often admitted to inpatient treatment. The rest are treated on an outpatient basis. There are no specifically designed antiviral drugs to treat MPPV. No specific vaccine prophylaxis for metapneumovirus infection has been developed. Drug therapy is prescribed only by a doctor.