National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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What is a papillomavirus infection ?

   Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common group of viruses that cause the appearance of papillomas, warts and genital warts.  The most dangerous manifestation of HPV is cervical cancer, for men HPV can lead to cancer of the penis. The virus also affects the appearance of cancer of the mouth, larynx and rectum. Nurbol Beisenkulovich Ayazbayev, an oncologist of the specialized medical care department, provides the following information about this virus:

   -The most oncogenic types of HPV are types 16 and 18. The virus is mainly transmitted through sexual and domestic contact, as well as transmitted from mother to child during childbirth. The infection progresses when immunity decreases.  In fact, the symptoms of the disease go unnoticed for a long time.  If your immunity to HPV is not stable, you can become infected with HPV several times in your life and become infected with several types of virus at the same time. The most common cases of HPV are found in men and women after sexual intercourse, most often in people between the ages of 17 and 33. The time between infection with the virus and the development of cancer can be 10 years or more.

   Factors affecting infection: immunodeficiency states (including HIV), radiation therapy, treatment with cytostatics, early onset of sexual activity, frequent changes in sexual partner, non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, neglect of HPV prevention methods, unpleasant habits.The oncologist of the specialized care department also notes that in order to prevent papillomavirus infection, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.  A healthy and strong immune system can cope with the infection on its own.If we talk about preventive measures. Observe personal hygiene in the process of communicating with people, avoid communicating with one healthy sexual partner, immoral actions.  It is necessary to remember that the HPV virus is transmitted, and take precautions when shaving and removing hair,- says oncologist Nurbol Beisenkululy.  The most effective and safe measure to prevent HPV infection is vaccination. It prevents 95% of deaths from cervical cancer. It is advisable to vaccinate girls and boys over 11 years old – before the onset of sexual activity. This reduces the risk of cancer by up to 1%. In addition, if one type of virus is detected in the body, the vaccine can also be used to protect against other strains.

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