National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Unusual anesthesia facts

  • Until 1846, hemp, opium, coca leaves, alcohol, rogatina in the teeth and a blow to the head with a club served as general anesthesia.
  • The work of an anesthesiologist is compared to the profession of a pilot – hours of boredom and moments of horror.
  • Vigilance and quick reaction are the main qualities of the anesthesiologist.
  • Resuscitators consider the “light at the end of the tunnel” to be a consequence of a lack of oxygen in the brain during a coma, but a picture of the afterlife.
  • Red hair people need 20% more anesthesia than brunettes and blondes, they are more sensitive.

   – To amazing facts, I would add that today medicine has learned to do complex operations for long-livers, – added resuscitator-anesthesiologist of the National Hospital Nazerke Amangeldykyzy, – Almaty ranks second in the number of long-livers in Kazakhstan. We began to perform operations on them, such as removing gallstones or fractures in the limbs. In the last three years alone, I have anesthetized 20 patients over 90 in the hospital. But ten years ago, for them, a hip fracture meant death.

   A more detailed interview can be read here. https://yvision.kz/post/chas-skuki-mgnoveniya-uzhasa-interesnye-fakty-ob-anesteziologii-1012123

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