National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Training urologists in Italy

   Urologists of the National Hospital took advanced training courses at the Italian clinic of St. Anne in Como. They were personally met by the director of the European Association of Urologists for Prostate Treatment, Giorgio Bazzini, together with their Italian colleagues, they received not only theoretical, but also practical skills. This hospital is considered one of the foremost in the world. After training, our urologists intend to introduce modern methods in the development of treatment of benign hypertension of the prostate gland by a minimally invasive method and to carry out ranurethral endoscopic enucleation and retrograde intrarenal surgery. These are all progressive methods of surgery.

Обучение урологов в Италии каз


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