National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Call center:

The most masculine therapist

   In the clinic of the National Hospital receives a male therapist Kurvan Aybasov. For some reason, this direction in medicine is considered female, but Kurvan does not think so. As a child, he dreamed, of course, of surgery, but due to surgery on his feet, he had to retrain as a therapist. He began to practice like many doctors as a nurse in an ambulance.

   -This is also an important direction, we are always at the forefront, I love my profession. The therapist not only treats, detects, carries out prevention, but also shows empathy, sympathy, support, sometimes the patient recovers from a kind word or advice. So we’re also psychologists. And the fact that I have to work in a women’s team only makes me happy, always in the spotlight.

   Despite the fact that Kurvan Aybasov has only been in our clinic for a few months, patients have already appreciated his care and professionalism.

Самый мужественный терапевт каз


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