Charm Woman, Magnetism Woman, Coco Chanel Sovmin, style icon. This is all about the ex-vice-president of the National Hospital Zhanar Kusymzhanova. Yesterday she was escorted to the position of consultant. Perhaps none of the employees has received such a number of compliments, thanks, flowers, surprises. Zhanar Myrzakenovna is really a doctor who managed to maintain amazing charisma and her own style, which many are trying to imitate. Despite the difficult work, she is always in her constant stilettos.
Zhanar Kusymzhanova from a family of doctors, famous people always visited their house, professors, directors of institutes and she simply did not have a chance to choose another profession. She became a brilliant cardiologist, began, like many doctors in the country, with an emergency hospital, in 1997 she defended her Ph.D. She has almost forty years of experience, and most of her career worked at the National Hospital. Colleagues all as one noted her amazing feature to lead without raising her voice, everyone understood her by her gaze.
-I am very grateful that my fate was connected with this particular hospital, it was responsible and prestigious to work here, I tried to keep the brand and teach my subordinates this. But I do not say goodbye, I will advise on the most difficult issues, and this is good when the team appreciates experience.