National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Secrets from an urologist

   80% of patients in the urology office come more for psychological help. This is the opinion of Temirlan Orazgaliev, a urologist with 25 years of experience. He has been at the National Hospital for 10 years, now he consults in a paid clinic. Says women more often come with kidney disease, and men on issues of sexual powerlessness, but as a rule, such people do not have a physical disability, but a psychological one, sometimes it is enough to have a conversation and everything goes away. In the practice of the doctor there were men who lived in marriage without children for 10.15 years, and after his treatment, they became fathers with many children.

   -The very coming to the urologist for many stress, understanding this, I try to support people. From the doorway I see their diagnosis and emotional state by habitus, – said Temirlan Orazgaliev.

   The other day he turned 50 years old, colleagues congratulated him on the tradition of the hospital.

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