National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Results of 2024

   Doctors of the National Hospital in 2024 performed 50 complex operations for FREE, received 589 patients and trained 1,150 colleagues in the regions.

   Doctors provided free assistance in addition to their main work within the framework of the Days of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration, visits to the Almaty region and open days. Only with colleagues from the presidential hospital in Astana, they visited six regions, and in general, this action has already covered 14 regions in two years, doctors together conducted 281 operations, provided consulting and diagnostic assistance to more than 2.7 thousand patients and organized 320 lectures, seminars and practical master classes for about 8.2 thousand regional doctors.

   If we talk about the achievements of the hospital itself, then in 2024 the doctors performed 4768 operations. Medical tourists became the trend of the year, there were 598 of them. Mostly citizens of Russia, Uzbekistan, China and Kyrgyzstan were treated in the hospital, but were from such distant countries as Norway, Canada, Australia, USA, Mexico, Philippines, Brazil and Venezuela.

   – The main achievement for us was obtaining the fourth accreditation of international quality standards JCI. For doctors, it means the “highest level” of health care quality or the so-called “gold standard,” – said the head of the hospital Askhat Bralov, – nine medical organizations have JCI in Kazakhstan, including the National Hospital and the Hospital of the Medical Center in Astana. The transition of the hospital to the new status of the National Hospital also opened up great opportunities for us.

   The taken bar will be maintained in the New Year, doctors will continue to help the regions, conduct free consultations. Neurosurgeons will be the first to hold open days in January. In addition, the hospital staff took patronage of twenty Almaty veterans, they provide them with medical assistance at home, congratulate them on holidays and birthdays.

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