National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Reaching retirement age is happiness

   The National Hospital is a place where many specialists gained experience, formed and worked until retirement. Today, the retiring Saule Sharipbaevna Chirikbaeva graduated from the obstetric department of the Zhambyl Medical School in 1986. The young specialist, who began his career as a nurse in the Lugovsky district of the Zhambyl region, worked in a number of medical institutions in the city of Almaty over the years. Saule Sharipbaevna has been working as a nurse midwife in the gynecology department of specialized medical care at the National Hospital for 16 years. She is a qualified nurse who witnessed the joy of the parents of many babies.

   And Mombekova Gulzada Ongarbaevna worked for many years in this hospital as a nurse of the department. The team is also pleased that someone is responsible for their work. Congratulating the medical workers, the head of the National Hospital Askhat Bralov thanked them for their work and wished them well-being and family well-being.

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