National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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National Hospital neurosurgeons give man back the gift of speech

   A pensioner turned to the neurosurgery department of the hospital, who was suddenly speechless and could only make sounds. This lasted more than a month, while his limbs were also weakening. On an MRI scan, doctors found a giant brain tumor in the patient that squeezed Brock’s speech area.

   – The treatment took place in two stages, first the patient was closed the supply vessels of the tumor in order to minimize blood loss during the operation, and then the growth was removed, – commented neurosurgeon Abzal Zhumabekov, – The operation was successful and not the next day the speech returned to the patient.

   Now the pensioner has been discharged and returned to his former life.

Нейрохирурги Национального госпиталя вернули мужчине дар речи каз


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