National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Malignant neoplasm indicator is alarming

   At the end of the year, oncologist-surgeon of the National Hospital Yerzhan Maulitbekovich Kenesbaev completed an internship under the 028 program at the University Hospital in Mannheim, Germany.

   Topic: “Intensive course of rectal surgery. Full entry into colorectal surgery.”

   – The history of the clinic dates back to 1701. Initially, these were small medical institutions, but now they include about 30 specialized departments, centers and institutes. They employ 4800 medical workers of the first category. The clinic is located on the basis of the medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg, so medical research here is carried out on an ongoing basis both at the national and international level, – said Yerzhan Kenesbayev, having familiarized himself with the achievements of the hospital. The clinic has repeatedly received prestigious quality certificates such as KTQ, IQM and German Cancer Association certificates. Every year 76 thousand patients undergo inpatient treatment and examination, and 210 thousand – outpatient. The total number of inpatient beds is 1352. The specialized medical institution provides services in many areas of medicine, including anesthesiology, ophthalmology, surgery, pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, gynecology, skin and venereological diseases, otorhinolaryngology, internal diseases. The implementation of the results of training on the topic of internship is planned from the 1st quarter of 2025. The issue of introducing these surgical methods remains very relevant. So, according to the Bureau of Strategic Planning of the National Agency for Statistics, rectal cancer takes 7th place in the country (mutual), among men – 4th place;

   Malignant neoplasm mortality by location in 6th place (bisexual), among men in 4th place. This is an alarming situation, says oncologist-surgeon Yerzhan Kenesbaev.

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