National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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I also improve my qualifications

   This is the opinion of the head of the polyclinic of the National Hospital Saule Magauyanovna Mardenova. In 1990 she graduated from the Karaganda Medical Institute and devoted her life to medicine. The young specialist, who passed the threshold of the National hospital at the age of 32, dreamed of retiring here too. There is a saying: “Out of the kindness of human desire is accepted.”

   Today, colleagues were very enthusiastic about taking the doctor on an honorary vacation. During his career, the chief physician of a private medical institution in Almaty and the deputy chief physician for medical work in the city hospital No. 4 emphasize such qualities as professionalism, morality and responsibility. “The National hospital is a testament to my youth, my interesting and difficult days. A wonderful team will forever remain in my heart, “says Saule Magauyanovna. Many young professionals were encouraged to continue as consultants at the National Hospital. “I have many plans, there is still a lot that I can read and study,” says Saule Mardenova.

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