National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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How is allergy diagnosed?

   This disease has been contracted from young children to adults. Especially in the spring and summer months, there is an increase in morbidity and complications. Allergists in the day hospital department of the National Hospital receive patients for a year, consult, and warn of complications.

   – We mainly treat allergies in winter. Then there will be no dust and flowering plants. Before receiving and treating the patient, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of the allergy. Allergies can be from various plants, types of food, sometimes from chemical impurities. First, it is better to know what allergies are. Most residents of Almaty are allergic to herbs and plants. In our laboratory, the patient will be diagnosed with a vaccine of Kazakhstani production, – says an experienced allergist-pulmonologist Elenora Konstantinovna Startseva.

   Perizat Madiyarovna Kamalieva a nurse , who has worked in the laboratory for many years, is diagnosed on the recommendation of a doctor. To do this, from the summer season to autumn, a liquid with several types of grass is injected under the skin with a needle. Within twenty minutes, it turns out from which variety of grass or plant allergies arise. The skin begins to swell and signal. Then the doctor comparatively identifies the tumor and establishes which kind of plant has a large allegory. Then the patient is prescribed a vaccine made from the same herb. The allegorizing herbs in the vaccine are introduced into the human body gradually, in small quantities. Thus, a person with allergies in winter undergoes a full course of treatment. The vaccine in the last course of treatment is prescribed to keep the body normal.

   – Many patients think the vaccine is a shot in the muscle. This vaccine is obtained from herbs that grow in our region without any chemical additives. In the form of tablets. The taste is pleasant, you need to put it under the tongue and pump it out. Then for half an hour it is not allowed to drink water or food.

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