National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Gratitude from the “Amanat” party

   In honor of the celebration of Independence Day, employees of the National Hospital were presented with “Letters of Thanks” to the Amanat party:

  1. Nurse of the cardiology intensive care unit Zhanar Abdualieva;
  2. Erik Karaulov, head of the extracorporeal hemotransport department;
  3. Dental technician of the dental department of Sultangazy Egizbaev;
  4. Doctor of the paid medical care department; cardiologist Aydana Lepesova;
  5. The dispatcher of the emergency department Togzhan Zholdasbekova was awarded for her active participation in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the party.

   The “Letter of Thanks” contains a wish for successful work on sustainable development and improvement of Kazakhstan.

   We also cordially congratulate our colleagues on the awards!

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