During the year, the medical staff of the national hospital to the post office, website, social networks, in special boxes and personally receives up to five hundred words of gratitude. So thanksgiving in the hospital lasts all 365 days a year, because doctors save lives, put on their feet, deprive pain, cure and give a new chance to their patients.
Ragna Khusnitdinova is one of those. She was admitted to the hospital with severe headaches and cramps in her limbs. Neurosurgeons discovered she had a brain meningioma. But they did not immediately operate, the pensioner had thrombosis.
– First I was treated by angiocsurgeon Maxim Zhulovchinov, then neurosurgeons prepared for ten days, and only then I got on the operating table to neurosurgeon Abzal Zhumabekov and neurologist Mahmud Myrzakhmetov. They saved my life, operated in two stages for five hours, did the almost impossible. Now I am at home, with loved ones, I feel good. I want to express my deep gratitude not only to doctors, but also to nurses, nurses, they just enveloped me with care and attention, I did not need anything, supported, encouraged. I cannot express in words all the emotions that I feel.
On Gratitude Day, several patients of the clinic at once noted the work of the first section, where for many years the reception was conducted by therapist Nurgul Adilovna and nurse Balzhan.
– They are not only professionals at work, but also attentive, well-mannered, kind women, – shared the patient Svetlana Esdauletova, – I am a chronicle, I am constantly registered, I am always amazed how on time they warn me about screenings, taking tests, dispensing drugs. But there are many of us, and they do not forget about anyone, they will always provide psychological assistance, although this is not part of their work. I want to express my gratitude not only to my doctors, but also to the entire staff of the hospital, because such discipline, good traditions have developed here for a long time. We patients feel safe, because everyone seeks to get to this hospital.
For the hospital staff, such a backlash is undoubtedly important, it motivates and supports further work. Doctors are also people who really need support.