National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Aerobatics nurses

   On February 15, operating medical sisters celebrate their professional holiday. In medicine, they are a special caste, assistant surgeons, generals in operating rooms, since they are responsible for sterility, comfort, efficiency. They are distinguished by discipline, stress resistance, empathy. Nurse Natalya Aldashkina at the National Hospital for 32 years, “stands,” as she says in

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Respect for language – respect for country

   In order to develop the concept of language policy for 2023-2029, Kaztest is annually rented at the National Hospital. The permanent event was unanimously attended by employees of all departments of the hospital. This year, interactive testing contains tasks developed in terms of listening, vocabulary-grammar, reading.    Test execution time: 150 minutes. Hearing: for

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Guests from the USA

   The National Hospital was visited by representatives of the American venture capital fund FutureMED, which specializes in promising developments in the field of medical technology and biotechnology.    American financiers in Kazakhstan visit advanced health care facilities for potential collaborations in areas such as science, technology investment, and long-term scientific research. The guests talked

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