National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Beating breast cancer prevents it

   World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated annually in October. The obstetrician-gynecologist of the Temerzhanov National Hospital Elenora Moryalievna told the women about the course of prevention and treatment of this disease. Let’s pay attention to the doctor’s recommendations.

   First, monitor yourself, the condition of the mammary glands, make sure that there are no changes in them, or pay attention to the formed nodes. Although there is no reason for concern, it is necessary to visit specialists once a year. Before the time runs out, you should be warned.

    Secondly, a professional specialist (breast specialist, oncologist, gynecologist) must examine the chest at least once a year. The most important thing for you is to contact a qualified specialist. If the doctor is competent and often examines the mammary glands, he finds even tiny granules in the chest. The first signs of a malignant neoplasm do not bother at all. It begins to show symptoms when it grows into the chest or affects large vessels – axillary, subclavian. Hands swell, pain appears. Or pain can occur only when the tumor decomposes. If a woman notices an incurable knot in or around her chest, this does not mean that she will live in peace without going to the doctor. There’s a golden rule we teach women: You have to look after yourself every month and make nothing for yourself. If you have found something that you do not have, be sure to consult your doctor. Let him look and diagnose. The faster the treatment starts, the better. How is the origin of the node in the mammary gland determined and its nature? The doctor determines the nature of the tumor in several ways. Palpation – physical examination of the mammary glands. The doctor uses the fingers to thoroughly examine each breast.

   Aspiration – allows the doctor to immediately know if the mass is liquid or solid. This procedure can be carried out in the clinic and does not require pain relief. The specialist inserts the needle into the formation, if it is a cyst, removes the fluid before removing it. If there are dense masses in the chest, the doctor receives a small number of cells examined by a microscope in the laboratory.

   Mammography – to obtain images of the breast on film or paper


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