National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

National Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Allergist pulmonologist Eleanor Startseva has 45 years of experience

   Patients line up with her not only for experience, but also for individual treatment based on the consideration of concomitant diseases and modern drugs, including completely new, biological ones isolated from living organisms.

   -In recent years, the number and types of allergies in Kazakhstan have tripled. There are many reasons, we have a geographical location remote from the sea and with a low wind rose, abundant steppe vegetation with weeds, only wormwood in the country of 8 species. Due to the developing urbanization, gas pollution is growing. In addition, we live in solid household chemicals and food leaves much to be desired, because it is not natural, even meat products on antibiotics, – said the doctor,

   As a preventive measure, she advised to include more natural products in the diet, increase immunity, carry out hardening, ventilate rooms, make a nasopharyngeal toilet, monitor hygiene, and not self-medicate, relying only on the advice of pharmacists.

У аллерголога пульмонолога Элеоноры Старцевой 45-ти летний стаж


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